典型的网络营销方式_天眼查询官网_长春职业技术学院_金蝶财务软件免费版 一、域名注册和解析






In the era of rapid development of Internet technology, online shopping is no longer a very strange thing. Meanwhile, due to the rapid development of the domestic economy and the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, more and more people are beginning to try shopping online. At present, many e-commerce merchants mainly rely on traditional manual methods for managing product information. The efficiency of product management is low and the management work is extremely cumbersome. If product information management is not timely, it will have a negative impact on the online shopping experience of users. The development of this project was born in this context.
After comparing and analyzing similar e-commerce websites both domestically and internationally, this article designs and implements a comprehensive e-commerce website based on the current online shopping needs of users. In terms of system function implementation, Java technology is used, and the use of system backend functional modules is encoded using the SpringBoot framework. The rendering of interactive page effects is encoded using the Vue framework. Based on the actual online shopping needs of users in the early stage, this system can facilitate better online shopping for users and enable backend administrators to efficiently manage product information in the system.
After the development of the comprehensive e-commerce website was completed, all functions of the system were tested. After testing the system functions, all achieved the expected design goals. The development of this system can provide users with a great online shopping platform.
Keywords:E-commerce; Shopping; Java; SpringBoot; Vue

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