




Tourism website

Abstract: under the influence of the rapid development of society, tourism websites continue to develop, which greatly increases the requirements of tourism quantity, diversity, quality, etc., making the management and operation of tourism websites more difficult than in the past decade. According to this reality, it is very important and valuable to design a fast and convenient online travel website. For the traditional control model of tourism website, tourism website has many incomparable advantages. Firstly, it updates the information of tourism website quickly, secondly, it manages a large amount of information, and finally, it is highly safe and easy to use, which makes the management and operation of tourism website very convenient. In the 21st century, with the rapid development of science and technology and economy, the spiritual needs of the people on the non-material level are becoming more and more diversified. This system is put forward to achieve these goals.

This paper systematically describes the design and implementation of the entire online tourism website, the main functions are as follows: administrator; personal center, user management, scenic spot classification management, hotel information management, room information management, room reservation management, scenic spot information management, ticket booking management, tourism route management, system announcement management, message board management, forum management Management, system management, message management, user front desk; home page, hotel information, guest room information, scenic spot information, tourism route, system announcement, forum information, news information, message feedback, my, jump to the background, user background; personal center, room reservation management, ticket reservation management, system announcement management, my collection management, etc Interface, convenient application, powerful interaction, completely based on the characteristics of the Internet.

With the continuous improvement of network and information technology in modern society, people's living standard has reached a new level. Tourism has become a way of entertainment that users take for granted. However, due to the increasingly busy work and life, it is obviously unreasonable for users to queue up to buy tickets on tourism websites. A procedure to make full use of the fragmented time and simplify the ticket booking process is exactly what we need. This paper studies the development and implementation of tourism website based on Java. From demand analysis, overall design to specific implementation, the whole online tourism website is finally completed, which facilitates users and improvesthe management level of tourism website

Keywords: tourism website, Internet mode, JSP, database mysql

目  录

第1章 绪   


1.2 课题意义

1.3 开发工具及技术

1.4 国内外现状

第2章 系统分析

2.1 可行性分析


2.2 系统需求分析

2.3 业务流程分析

2.4 数据流图

第3章 系统设计

3.1 系统功能设计

3.2 数据库设计

第4章 系统实现




第5章 软件测试






6 总结



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