广州互联网营销师培训_长沙优化网站方法_php网站建设流程_sem广告 从整体来说,本条应具体说明软件、或人与软件交互的静态或动态数值需求。






With the development of society, business trips and tourism have become the norm, which has led to the rise of the home stay short rent market. People usually find accommodation in strange environments through intermediaries. Although intermediaries can quickly find suitable accommodation, they will charge a lot of intermediary fees, which is a large capital expenditure for people who have just arrived in the new environment. There is very limited information for people to find their own B & B, but they can’t find their own B & B quickly. Another part will go to the online platform to find accommodation. Most of the accommodation in this way are intermediaries. With the rapid development of network, online platform has become a new way. Based on wechat applet, the home stay short rent system reduces middlemen, and the home stay information is complete and the price is transparent, which is more popular with people.
Based on wechat applet, the home stay short rent system is developed in Java language, and the database adopts mysql. It is small and portable, which makes the data in the system more secure. The technology adopts wechat applet. The system realizes the online publicity of home stay information, and users can browse and book at any time. Administrators can manage home stay information and order information. Homeowners can manage their own accommodation and orders. The system not only improves the efficiency of home stay booking, but also helps homeowners find tenants faster.



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