




The rapid development of technology has caused tremendous changes in people's daily lives, and the rapid development of electronic information technology has popularized and applied the application level of electronic information technology in various fields. The arrival of the information age has become an unstoppable fashion trend, and the history of human development is entering a new era. In practical application, the working rules and development steps of the application software use python technology to build the data visualization system of the recruitment website.

This design mainly realizes the data visualization system of recruitment website integrating the advantages of humanization, efficiency, convenience, etc., and completes the function modules of system users, recruitment information, job classification, required positions, required number of people, monthly requirements, etc. The system communicates with the server through a browser to achieve data interaction and changes. This system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management and convenient services. The recruitment website data visualization system uses python language, Django technology based on MVVM mode for development, and Pycharm compiler for compilation. In terms of data, it mainly uses Microsoft's MySQL relational database as the data storage medium, and cooperates with the foreground HTML+CSS technology to complete the system development.

Keywords: Recruitment website data visualization system python MySQL

