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摘  要

Under the background of the rapid development of information technology, in order to make better use of information technology for students to learn C language, it is urgent to develop a small program for teaching practice of C language course. This small program can make students no longer limited to the teaching mode of classroom learning, but can learn anytime, anywhere, without time and place restrictions.The platform uses Java development language, Spring framework, MVC model, IDEA development tools, MySQL database and other technologies. In this paper, the demand analysis, system design and function realization of the small program of C language course teaching practice based on Java are carried out. The small program realizes the functions of user management, course material management, course learning management, task reminder management, thematic learning management, question and answer management, test paper management, test question management and so on.Effective use of information technology tools to deeply integrate teaching, online teaching resources to effectively promote the development of teaching activities, improve teaching efficiency and teaching quality, improve students' learning initiative and creativity, has practical significance. The test shows that the system has complete functions and can meet the students' learning needs.
Key words:MySQL database;  Java language;  MVC mode 
目  录



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